North Lanarkshire Council launched a proposal in early 2018 to build a new school to replace the existing Gartcosh Primary.
Gartcosh Tenants & Residents Association has written to Isabelle Boyd at North Lanarkshire Council raising a number of points regarding the proposal.
Dear Ms Boyd,
As the signatory of the consultation letter and your title re education, youth and communities suggest this is your area of responsibility, I write to you on this issue. I have however copied in the relevant officers, employees, and elected representatives. I trust in areas outside of your responsibility the information requests can be collated by you from other departments to give the community the answers we require.
The Gartcosh Tenants & Residents Association (GT&RA) have examined the proposal regarding the above. Many individual residents and parents will be making comment regarding the consultation although there is no specific individual response when making comment. As chairperson, I have been requested to relay our concerns and observations.
As a community group we are drawing your attention to our concerns and request that if necessary at the appropriate time take action to request ministers to investigate any decision if the relevant information in relation to this proposal is not provided.
Enclosed 1 – are specific comments in relation to the Benefits Statement and the proposal as a whole. Observations have also been collated regarding the process and absence of relevant information.
Enclosed 2 – provides for a more focused set of observations and questions which required to be answered.
The building of the school is directly linked to the community growth area, the amount of development the council is prepared to allow, and the local plan put forward for the community. Residents consider that the council is not taking a holistic approach regarding our community, in fact, all evidence suggests that the lack of control is seriously undermining the quality of life of residents in Gartcosh in favour of housing development at any cost. The concern is that decisions are being made and in some cases not made which directly affect the health, well-being, and ability of residents to thrive in this community.
The GT&RA look forward to your response which we hope will be comprehensive, timely and holds no dubieties in connection with our questions.
We thank you in anticipation of your response.
Yours sincerely,
Richard McNair,
Chairperson GT&RACc- Paul Jukes CE, Robert Steenson Ass CE, James Logue, David Stocks, Greg Lennon, William Doolan, Michael McPake, Fulton MacGregor MSP, Hugh Gaffney MP
Photo © G Laird (cc-by-sa/2.0)